The leg sores sound like venostasis ulcers, which I have as the result of diabetes but can have other causes. You basically have to keep your legs elevated and wear compression stockings/Ace wraps while bandaging them to prevent opportunistic infections.
The Ace bandages I can see. But I can't wear compression stockings because that requires a garter belt to hold them up, and the only one I could find in my size has garter tabs that are way too short for that. As for elevating my feet, I can't do that, either. I live in a studio apartment in which there is no room for a recliner, and I have nothing I can put on my bed for elevating my feet. I don't know what's going to happen now. But I'm seeing my doctor next Friday or sooner, and he knows about all this, and he and I will discuss possible remedies then.
The compression stockings I have from the VA (made by Jobst) don't require a garter belt; they have a 2" elastic band around the top that does the job.
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