Before you get all mad at me because of the picture below, I am NOT recommending murder as a way to deal with pedophiles. But consider this:
Pedophiles don't change. Not ever. No matter what is done to them, therapeutic or not. Recent studies using fMRI (finctional Magnetic Resonance) scans show that the white matter in the brains of Pedophiles is both deficient and hooked up funny -- white matter forms the connections between brain regions and centers, and in pedophiles the sexual center is hooked up to the cerebrum such that rather than feeling protective when they see a child or any image of one, a pedophile feels instant lust, even before he thinks about it. Pedophiles can't change any more than psychopaths can. Both have deficient hookups between the prefrontal cortex and the emotional (limbic) part of the brain, reduced affect (real emotions are weak, though drives such as the sex drive and reaction to excitement are strong), and a weak or nonexistant moral sense. They both tend to be manipulative and can be very charming. And neither can ever change, because the underlying cause of their condition is neurological and developmental, not psychological. They can't will themselves to change or want to change any more than somebody with a deviated septum or color blindness can. The only way to keep children safe from dedicated pedophiles is to either lock the pedophiles away for life, maybe in prison or on a remote island somewhere, or execute them. They caan't change the way they are, as numerous psychologists, psychotherapists, behavioral therapists, and psychiatrists have discovered by trying to get them to change their behavior and even to get them to associate sexual impulses toward children with shock therapy and that sort of thing. Not all of them were sexually abused as children -- many weren't. A history of being sexually abused may have directed the style of their attraction to children, but not th fact of it, which is hardwired in the brain and, as far as is known now, can't be unwired.
Robert A. Heinlein wrote a story titled "Coventry" in which chronic lawbreakers and those with no concern for others and their communities were confined for life on a large island that they could never leave, left there to fend for themselves and deal with others on the island as best they could. Perhaps that's what we need for psychopaths and pedophiles. Apparently their conditions are nothing they can help, any more than they could have helped the formation of their lungs and livers while in the womb. But they will never, ever change, and will always be menaces to others. So put them on such an island, provide them with occasional dumps of food and supplies, and keep them there for the rest of their lives.
What else can we do to protect our children while avoiding murder?