Nov 13, 2013 17:44
I was born in 1945 in Pasadena, California. I spent my first six years in the town of San Gabriel, California, and the next eleven in Pasadena, California, before being moved to a foster home in Ventura County, CA. In those years the smog in the Los Angeles Basin, where I lived, was so bad that it was worse than China's is now -- a thick, grey-brown blanket you needed an ax to cut it with. Current data indicates that living in and breathing that smog at that time was as bad as or worse than a three-pack-a-day cigarette habit.
On March 1, 1954, the hydrogen bomb test Castle-Bravo took place at sea level in the Marshall Islands. It lofted an enormous amount of red=hot, lethally radioactive fallout into the stratosphere, and because the wind set wrong there that day, the fallout was carried by the winds eastward, coming at first into contact with the Western Coast of the United States. In late April or May of that year a huge amount of that fallout was dumped on the Los Angeles Basin. Other Pacific H-bomb tests also dumped fallout on the Basin, though in lesser amounts, but this was the worst of it. Veterinarians began reporting that their patients had suddenly begun dying of horrific, rare cancers, coronary conditions, kidney disease, and other strange ailments, manhy of which they'd never even heard of, or had seen only in obscure veterinary textbooks. At the same time, the rate of inception of rare, lethal cancers, leukemia, and coronary cancers in human patients in the Basin went sky-high. Nobody at the time understood why it was happening, except for the military, which could not, on pain of being shot for treason, reveal the real cause, which was all that fallout. States east and north of California, and in Mexico, began experiencing the same thing. In May of that year, I suddenly became sick with an unknown illness -- I began vomiting, had a terrible diarrhea, and grew very week. The condition persisted for two weeks. Then my fingernails and toenails became bloody and fell out, with brand new nails underneath them. At the same time, the epidermis on my fingers began peeling off, with brand-new, embryonically fresh skin underneath. These all were the signatures of radiation sickness due to fallout. My body had discharged much of the stuff via vomiting and diarrhea, then tossed what was left into parts of my body that were dead tissues, which I could easily do without, and sloughed them off, thus getting rid of it in a way that didn't hurt me and protected the lives tissues of my body from that hot junk.
In the Summer of 1961, when I was 16, I contracted general peritonitis. They had to section 9 feet of my small intestine and take out my appendix to save my life. Then, when they were about ready to send me home, my thyroid gland suddenly went ballistic, in what turned out to be the initial stage of Graves' Disease (exophthalmic goiter). My thyroid levels were so high that I was almost literally burning up my body from the inside out, losing an enormous amount of weight until I weighed barely 100 pounds (I was 5'6" then), and constantly hungry. I was burning up to 30,000 Calories a day and still losing weight. They kept me in the hospital for a few months, giving me propylthyurosol to control the condition until they could safely operate on me. When they did, they cut out 7/8ths of my thyroid gland -- and what was left was the size of a normal thyroid.
When I was 17, in 1962, I began smoking, which quickly evolved into a 3-pack-a-day Marlborough habit, a habit that continued for the next 20 years.
When I was 26, a friend introduced me to the works of Adelle Davis, namely Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit and Let's Get Well. At the time, I had no doctor -- I was too poor to afford either a doctor or a detist -- and I had a lot of health problems. I practically memorized those two books, and immeditely began applying what Adelle Davis taught. This included taking huge doses of vitamins A, E, and C for burns (in the meantime I had learned what had really made me so sick at age 9, which at the time was chalked up to "an allergy to vitamin C"; radiation sickness is essentially due to being burned from the inside out, cell by cell, tissue by tissue, so I took those vitamins because they were indicated for healing burns, especially C, which is good for healing just about everything); vitamins D and C and calcium and magnesium for my terrible gum abscesses and dental problems, as well as for the health of my bones; various other minerals for the health of my nervous system and heart; and herbs to clean my system out. I continued this regimen for many years, at first taking doses of E as high as 3,000 units per day, then tapering down to 800 units. Like me, countless people over the years have credited Adelle Davis with saving their lives from cancer, heart conditions, and a host of other serious ailments, even after their physicians had given up on them.
I also discovred the benefits of garlic. Garlic is recommended as a general internal cleanser, and also for the vitamins and minerals it contains. The oil in it is deadly to anaerobic bacteria and cancer cells, and its high vitamin C content has an anti-viral effect. So for a two-week period, each day I would cut up an entire bulb of fresh garlic -- a bulb, not just a clove -- dice it up, and drink it down with water or juice. Then I'd do a bulb of garlic or two every week or so for years, to keep up the good work. Since then, in spite of everything that's happend to my poor body, doctors who have checked the health of my heart have said my heart is in top condition -- even though I have high blood pressure. The laat time it was checked, via an echocardiogram (ultrasound) scan of my heart, less than a year ago, the doctor said it was still in good shape.
Later, after I moved to Seattle, I learned about the benefits of oxygen therapy. Usually, this comes in the form of drops of 35% solution (food-grade) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in distilled water, taking the drops in water or juice one to three times a day. You start with three drops in water or juice one to three times a day, and gradually work up to 25 drops in water or juice one to three times a day, keeping it at that level for at least two weeks, then gradually going back down to five drops in water or juice three times a day. Higher amounts may be and are giveen to caancer patients, cardiac patients, patients with liver or kidney disease, and other deadly ailments. I took it for several weeks, until what seemed to be a viral ailment cleared up and the drops began making the water or juice I took it in taste like bleach. At that point I gave it up -- the bad taste was my body telling me that it was no longer doing me much good and was instead starting to do harm. But I got over the viral ailment for good.
Another form of oxygen therapy is ozone therapy, in which ozone is introduced into the anus via injection with a syringe. When I learned about it, from someone trained to give it safely (ozone is very active, chemically speaking, and can do real damage if too much is used), I received one treatment. Immediately a viral ailment I had contracted cleared up. I learned later that, like ascorbate (vitamin C) therapy, it has been used on many people to successfully treat a host of ailments, including AIDS, cancer, and many others.
Then there is taurine, an amino acid needed by the developing nervous system of animal life, including us, to compllete its development successfully. When I was in my late thirties, my opthalmologist discovered that I had a lacuna -- a hole -- in the retina of my right eye. So I went to Kayser's Nutrition, a wonderful health-food store in Santa Barbara which closed in the 1980s because of Grey Davis's horrendous taxes on small businesses, where I asked a nutritional consultant there I consulted with all the time, what might be good for it. The retina of the eye is an outcrop of the brain. He told me that recent research in Japan had shown that cats who had had their spinal cords severed showed complete regrowth and functional healing of their spinal cords when force-fed taurine over a period of about six months. Further, these researchers had then given survivors of terrible accidents who had sustained serious brain-damage high doses of taurine over a period of months -- and the grey matter of their patients' brains and spines had regrown, sometimes virtually completely, at the end of that time. Grey matter is not supposed to regrow and heal in anyone older than about six years old, but the grey matter in these patients' brains and spines did when given large dialy doses (500-2,000 mg) of taurine daily. So I began taking 350 mg of taurine daily for over a year. When I went back to my ophthalmologist, he was freaked out when he found that the hole in my retina had completely healed. He couldn't understand it -- grey matter isn't supposed to do that in an adult. But it had in me.
Statistically speaking, I should have died somewhere in my thirties of cancer, a heart attack, or a pulmonary disorder such as emphysenma. I'm now 68. I have a healthy heart in spite of a terrible nutritional regime (currently, for lack of funds); a very mild form of emphyseuma that doesn't require drugs to keep it under control; and healthy kidneys and a healthy liver. I do have serious osteoarthritis, meainly because I can't afford the vitamins C and D and magnesium and calcium to reverse it. I also have continuous spasm in the back of my neck due to an accident that caused brain damage which did heal, but bringing with it a wiring problem; some digestive problems; and gout. I should have died 30-35 years ago, or at best be a complete wreck. I'm still functional, at this age, still not using a walker or a cane, still living independently. I credit Adelle Davis, and garlic, and oxygen therapy, and taurine for that. Adelle Davis died in her 70s of bone cancer -- but she lived all her life in the Los Angeles Basin and could well have intercepted some of the fallout from those hydrogen bomb tests in the 1950s and 1960s, in which case she could have picked up a few micrograms of plutonium from the fallout. To the body, plutonium looks like iron, so it places it where it thinks it will do good, i.e., in the bone, so it can be picked up by the bone marrow to make red blood cells. It is the most poisonous substance known, as well as being radioactive, and tremendously carcinogenic -- so much so that by the time its effects become visible, it's already metastatized and spread to the liver, brain, and other organs. Not all the supplements in the world could have treated that successfully unless it had been caught right at the beginning, the part of the bone where it lay excised and replaced with sterile cadaver bone so that the living bone could use it as a matrix to become whole again, and continuously flushed out with garlic oil and other aids until it was clear that the plutonium was gone. So all those who sneered that Davis's work was worthless because she died of bone cancer were dead wrong. On top of that, until the cancer revealed itself, she led a long, healthy, vrey productive life, saving millions of lives and healing millions of others of serious burns, terrible breaks in the bones, and other conditions that impact lives so terribly.
So for what it's worth, if you're interested in seeing what you can do to heal yourself, read the books of Adelle Davis, research oxygen/ozone therpay, start growing organic garlic, and check out taurine. And if you find the results as good as I have, please share this information with others.
nuclear medicine,
hydrogen peroxide,
nuclear bombs,
medical issues