Music of the Spheres

Apr 07, 2012 13:23

The Music of the Spheres is real, except that it's electromagnetic rather than auditory. The outer planets, especially those of the Kuiper Belt bodies, modify the native electromagnetic field of the Solar System and the electromagnetic fields of the stars and galaxies in much the same way that someone playing a guitar changes the pitch and tone of the note given off by a plucked string by pressing on it or plucking it with his fingers. This adds flourishes,arpeggios, and delicate harmonies to the electromagnetic field of the Solar System and the Sun. We live in those fields, embedded in them, part of them, and every change in them, even the most delicate ones, impacts every sort of living creature on Earth. This is how the Kuiper-Belt bodies affect us: through their collective modification from moment to moment of the electromagnetic fields in which we live.

kuiper belt, electromagnetism, astronomy, solar system

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