If You See Something, Shut Up - Page 1 - Cliff May - Townhall Conservative

Feb 10, 2012 14:10


The Third Jihad, a documentary film Jasser narrated, takes a hard look at those Muslims who are waging this war - both with bombs and by stealthier means. The film had been among the educational materials used to train New York City police officers concerned with terrorism. Then, last month, The New York Times went on what one might call a crusade against the movie, publishing a series of articles branding it a “hate-filled film about Muslims” and calling on Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly to “apologize for the film … and make clear that his department does not tolerate such noxious and dangerous stereotyping.”

So New York City is that frightened of CAIR, hmm?

lies, damned lies, radical islam, islamism, new york city

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