"The latest Newt-Reagan flap has me boiling. I’ve been in the debate business a long time, and if it’s one thing I’ve learned it’s this: Tell the truth about your opponent. As much as you might believe your opponent’s position is wacko, don’t lie about it or misrepresent it. It’s not ethical, and it will come back to bite you in the end. For the past few days establishment Republicans have been dumping on Newt for being anti-Reagan. First, it’s not wrong to be anti-Reagan. Reagan raised taxes and increased government spending. On these points, I’m anti-Reagan. Second, what the anti-Newtonians are using to disparage Newt are just plain wrong. In fact, they are so taken out of context that to put them into their proper context would expose the establishment Republicans for the frauds they really are."
And see
Romney on Health Care Mandate: ‘It’s Not Worth Getting Angry About’ | Vision to America