Climb ev'ry mountain . . .

Nov 21, 2011 22:08

I swear Hannah, my kitten, is part Sherpa. She has this predeliction for climbing things -- anything higher than she is, when she thinks I'm not looking. Last night she demonstrated another ability: somehow teleporting or levitating to the highest shelf of my desk, the working surface of which is about 2-1/2 feet off the floor, and the highest shelf another 2-1/2 feet on top of that. I came out of my shower to find her perched on that high shelf. She hadn't knocked anything off it. There were no ledges or shelves or anything else that would have given her a platform for a successful jump from the working surface of the desk to that high shelf. There she sat, nothing knocked off the shelf (on which are several heavy decorative thingees and a jar filled with Halloween candy, and right below which are my monitor and my keyboard), no huge mess anywhere, looking . . . thoughtful. Or justified. Or some other mysterious state of mind.

Somebody tell me: is this normal for cats, or is there some way to prove she did not teleport or levitate up there?

hannah the cat, paranormal, weirdness, cats

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