Bank Of America CEO 'Incensed' That So Many People Keep Pointing Out How Awful His Bank Is I'm sure you remember where you were when you heard that Bank Of America announced that after receiving taxpayer bailouts, it was going to institute a $5 monthly fee for the privilege of using your debit card. "Well, that's exactly why I saved Bank Of America in 2008," you probably said, because you are a Good American. "I look forward to my new negative-interest checking account," you probably added. Well, apparently you Good Americans are in short supply, because according to Bloomberg News this morning, BofA Chief Executive Officer Brian T. Moynihan has been inundated by a bunch of Negative Nancies, and the experience has left him feeling "incensed."
I mean, just because BofA is the Ultimate Great Douchebag of Banks, why should we hate it? Well, check out the above-linked article and the video, and find out.