L'Aquila Earthquake & Earthquake Prediction | Itali
http://www.livescience.com/16132-italian-earthquake-prediction-manslaughter-trial.html/ Six Italian scientists and one government official are set to go to trial today in Italy (Sept. 20) on charges of manslaughter for not warning the public aggressively enough of an impending earthquake that killed more than 300 people in 2009.
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Make that "Italy vs. Everybody Else, Even Extraterrestrials," and you're on. :-P BTW, the "Congeries" userpic above this post and the unkind words below are aimed at whoever is suing the scientists, not the scientists themselves. If somebody tried this sort of stunt here in America, not only would they get laughed out of court, but the countersuit would take them to the cleaners.