Flight 93 Memorial Held In Shanksville, PA For 9/11 Victims

Sep 10, 2011 19:57


The 40 passengers and crew who fought back against their hijackers aboard Flight 93 on Sept. 11, 2001, performed one of the most courageous acts in U.S. history, former President George W. Bush said Saturday at a ceremony dedicating the first phase of a memorial at the nation's newest national park.

I am moved to tears by this description of the courage of the passengers on board United 93 on September 11, 2001. God bless them all. Their magnificent sacrifice -- the last full measure of devotion -- undoubtedly saved the lives of a large number of people at the intended target area chosen by the hijackers. Which the jet never reached, thanks to 40 passengers led by Todd Beamer, whose clarion call, "Let's roll!", set a brand-new standard for courage.

united 93, "let's roll!", courage, thelema, washington dc, pennsylvania, sacrifice, liberty, todd beamer, 93

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