Drovers CattleNetwork - R-CALF says EPA declares hay a pollutant -- Cattle News - Editorial, Grain & Cattle Markets, Current S. Another federal agency that's gone berserk. We need an administration that will clean out the worst of such agencies, then, in cases in which we need agencies like them, start the new ones with completely new employees without any ties to the old ones, to prevent cronyism from creeping in for a while.
The EPA has become far more dwetrimental than anything else, to the country, to the American people, to common sense and sanity, to the environment that it's supposed to protect. It's time for them to go.
Of course, once they're gone, we'll miss them. They've been such a great comedy act -- Stone & Parker wouldn't have to change a thing if they parodied th EPA, just paint what you see and let it go at that. {sigh}