Democrat Says Tea Party Would Love to See Blacks Lynched | Godfather Politics

Aug 31, 2011 20:54

Leftist Democrats are getting desperate, mean, slanderous, and borderline insane. The latest moral and mental outrage comes from Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.). Carson, the nation’s second Muslim Congressman and a member of the Congressional Black Congress, said the following:

"Some [of the members] in Congress right now of this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me [speaking to a Black audience] hanging on a tree. Some of them in Congress are comfortable with where we were 50 and 60 years ago. But this is a new day with a Black president and the Congressional Black Caucus."

I do believe that's libel, not to mention slander and defamation of character. As such, it's the sort of thing you can take into court -- and make a very high-profile case out of, one that will embarrass the Democrats for years. So why don't we do just that?

libel, lies, defamation of character, damned lies, videos, slander, democrats, tea party, evil

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