You know, from time to time, I have reason to opine that it seems as if Washington, D.C. -- home to your affluent, well-to-do politicians and the affluent, well-to-do political media that chronicles their escapades -- lives in an entirely different world from the rest of America. Typically, the way the economy gets covered is that it's framed as something that impacts nothing but the political horse race. Most of the country recognizes unemployment as something that impacts people's ability to "pay rent" and "get food." But on Capitol Hill, it's just something that impacts the ability of affluent political incumbents to keep their seats.
You know, if any of us exhibited such obliviousness of economic reality, especially in our dealings with others, it wouldn't be a far stretch to find us locked in a rubber room somewhere, diagnosed as "dangerous to self and others." So how is it that such lunatics have come to represent us in the august halls of Congress, the Senate, and -- say it in a whisper -- the White House?