Man accused of shaving ex-girlfriend's head in fit of jealousy

Jul 11, 2011 16:35

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By Martha Kang Published: Jul 11, 2011 at 4:03 PM PDT

LYNNWOOD, Wash. -- Police have arrested a man accused of forcing his way into his ex-girlfriend's home and shaving her head.

Nicholas R. O'Hara told investigators he was overwhelmed by jealousy and anger when the woman would not let him into her home on Friday.

He said he heard the woman talking to someone inside the home, and "was convinced that she was in the apartment with another man," according to the statement of probable case.

What 27-year-old O'Hara didn't know at the time was that the woman was talking to a 911 dispatcher on the phone.

The woman called for help at 4:35 p.m. and said O'Hara was "going from door to door and window to window," and was becoming "increasingly agitated and began threatening that he was going to kick in the door," the document said. The woman added she'd grown afraid of O'Hara due to his previous violent behavior.

O'Hara eventually managed to kick in the deadbolt-locked front door, ripping the molding from the wall. He charged at the woman and repeatedly slammed her head into a mirror and a wall, the woman told detectives.

O'Hara told his ex-girlfriend she had "given him no choice and that he was going to have to shave her head," the document said, then pulled out a pair of clippers and began to shave her head. When police arrived, they found the woman crying hysterically and holding her head while clutching clumps of her own hair.

The man later told police he'd gone to the woman's home with the intention of shaving her head "so she would not be attractive to other men," the document said. He added he also wanted to punish her as he suspected she'd become involved with other men.

O'Hara said he sometimes experiences delusions and hallucinations, and admitted to having used methamphetamine, methadone, Xanax and Abilify on the day of the incident.

Friday was not the first time O'Hara threatened to shave the woman's head, she told investigators. He'd made the same threat two days earlier while the two were at his father's house, the woman said. He also tried to force her into the clothes dryer, but his father intervened and threatened to call police, she said.

The woman added there had been a history of unreported violence against her by O'Hara, who'd punched her and attempted to strangle her, the statement said. She told detectives he'd grown increasingly jealous of her time away from him ever since the birth of her 1-year-old son, of whom he was not the father.

O'Hara is being held on $1 million bail for investigation of domestic violence, residential burglary and unlawful imprisonment.

mental illness, psychosis, paranoia, domestic violence, battery, stupid people tricks, western washington state, bastards, jealousy, violence, cruelty, drugs, assholes, lunatics, assault

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