Most will never be thin enough or rich enough to achieve the supermodel standard and, in trying, they often forego other opportunities.
A 6- or 7-year old girl dressing up in Mommy's fur coat, dress, high heels, and makeup is an adorable subject for a photo or video in a family album. But when she is dressed up by professional makeup artists and wardrobe specialists to model clothing that might just fit a Barbie doll, let alone her far larger frame, it stops being adorable and crosses the line into aiding and abetting the sort of slime that "only want to have free sex with children" -- exactly the sort of audience which the wastes of oxygen who program television and oversee media advertising are catering to. A lot of people, mostly male, will claim this story egregiously exaggerates the problem, and, anyway, it isn't a problem. That's fine -- those of us who have children will be standing right outside, over there, shotguns at the ready when the pedophiles try to come charging in.