Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Says Rape Is A 'Natural Instinct' For Men

Jun 20, 2011 20:53


"Dilbert" creator Scott Adams is finding himself in hot water again-this time with a blog post saying rape is a "natural instinct" for ( Read more... )

women, rape, idiots, blogs, stupid human tricks, men

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polaris93 June 22 2011, 02:50:22 UTC
I agree. Oddly, one of the very few societies in the Old World in which women had legal rights equal to those of men, and were respected for achievement if the achievement warranted it, was Sparta. And Sparta achieved that state only because of their very draconian laws on various things, laws we wouldn't be willing to accept. However, Sparta was the only city-state in Europe at the time without any walls. None. Zilch. They didn't need them -- that's how good Spartan men were at the art of war, and how dreaded they were as opponents by would-be invaders. I think the Spartans would regard us today with contempt, especially Spartan women.

There are things we can do to change things in our society, though. One of them is, however gradually, getting people to keep the TV off except for very special events, to make sure their children don't watch it otherwise, and educate their children as to why that must be, i.e., because too much exposure to TV is bad neurologically (it is) and bad psychologically (double that). Ditto so much of the dreck Hollywood churns out these days for the big screen, and the DVDs that make those movies available for home viewing. Ditto many magazines and other media productions which routinely present women as sex objects and men as little more than animated penises. The culture which those products push teaches that people, male and female both, are little randy children who should do everything that the media elite tell them to do and treat one another like commodities rather than living beings with souls and spirits. It's time we junked it.


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