I grow concerned for your craniofacial integrity : Pharyngula %
glitch25: Disproving atheism with uh..science.... Oh, and just for fun, see also
The great oxidizing agent in the sky : Pharyngula (the comments are especially hilarious instructive).
I am not an atheist. But as Pharyngula says in this article, the "Proving Atheists Wrong With Science # 1" is not the way to prove that atheists are wrong. In fact, atheists could be right. Religionists could be right. I could be right (and no stupid puns about politics here, please -- and no, this is not going to segue into one of those new
Old Spice commercials). I mean, if you're going to try to convince scientists and other brainy people of your thesis, shouldn't you bone up on logic, facts, and !#@!ing common sense before you try? (After wouldn't hurt, either. Neither would doing this before trying to convince everyone else of it, either.) Clearly you can prove anything if you simply ignore enough data, but this is ridiculous!
BTW, this is one of the most cogent and
certifiably hilarious puncturings of self-righteous, pompous ignoramuses' bubbles I've ever run across. (I was going to retitle this "To Pee . . . or Not to Pee," but I couldn't think of a dumb enough pun about urine or related topics to follow it. Aren't you lucky, dear reader!)