Somewhere in
Aleister Crowley's
The Book of the Law, written in
Egypt on April 8-10, 1904, it admonishes the reader to "take strange drugs" (Ibid., Book 2, verse 22). It occurs to me that the devoted Thelemite can save him/herself a lot of money, not to mention being able to avoid getting busted for possession and/or use of various banned substances, by simply eating junk food and things from the supermarket, drinking tap water, and breathing the air. Considering what they're loaded with these days, over time the ingestant's body thereby acquires a rapidly inceasing cumulative cocktail of complex, toxic chemicals that didn't even exist just two hundred years ago.
My last entry linked to an article outlining one possible consequence of carrying around that witch's brew in one's body: a terrifying drop in the fertility/fecundity of a broad class of organisms the world over, including human beings.
The one before that, come to think of it, linked an essay that just might have to do with another of its consequences: the equally terrifying and growing increase of mental dysfunctions of all kinds among people born in the last 60 years, from borderline personality disorders (autism, socipathology, etc.) to once-rare or nonexistent phobias, perceptual changes from the once-normal, and outright psychosis.
A site also mentioned in that last post,
David Firth's, contains the animation series "
Visit W3Schools!," about the weirdly deranged and obviously physically debilitated individual that serves as its eponymous central character (here it is again, if you're curious: Salad Fingers and his world look as if World War III had come and gone and left only a few sad, dying, utterly psychotic individuals alive in an otherwise barren world. But couldn't that also be a window on a hopeless, barren world savagely wounded at a biochemical level by the sort of increasingly toxic, complex hell-culture in which we live today?
Take strange drugs.." Who needs to? To mangle
Tom Lehrer's "
Pollution": "Do drink the water and do breathe the air!"