Elizabeth Smart Case: Street Preacher Sentenced To Life In Prison For Kidnapping, Rape One wonders just what sort of life the bastard will have in prison -- and how long that life will last when those old-timers who hate baby-rapers get through with him? XD
Nota bene: You know, when someone fraudulently represents himself to the public as having been a military hero -- either someone who is not a veteran who represents himself as a member or former member of the armed forces, or a veteran who makes himself out to have been of much higher rank than he actually had and a recipient of military honors when in fact he never received them -- when he gets caught at it, he is prosecuted for fraud as well as outed to the public, who then punish the bastard with social opprobrium, and revile him for stolen valour. So what happens to a street preacher who represents his adventures in kidnapping, sexual child abuse, and terrorization of a child as having been mandated by God? Nail him for stolen divinity?