Agelenopsis poetans

May 16, 2011 23:19

by Yael Dragwyla

Originally published in Poemethon No. 14 (1977)
(Rick Eymer, editor; published in San Mateo, CA)

The poet
Carefully secretes
Appropriate selections
Of the heart's store of passions
Through deftly controlled
Hypothalamic spinnerets
At a rate dictated by
Growing wisdom,
Drawing them out
Into filaments of phrases
And arranging them in webs
The geometry of which
Is language and rhythm
And whim . . .

* * *

If you rise early enough
On fertile April mornings,
You can see the dew of dreams
Flashing on the webs
Which the poets set up in the grass
The night before:
They're lovely in the early morning,
But if you walk through one
Strung up in the trees
By a more ambitious versifier,
You're apt to find it nasty
And a bother to brush off.


poetry, humor, spiders

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