How is it that liberalism has come to mean the exact opposite of its original meaning, so that it now stands for cruelty, viciousness, and absolute, infernal obscenity?
Apparently Wonkette is the sort of pervert that enjoys aiming her S&M tendencies at small, helpless children. I'm not surprised. One of the "causes" that liberals in some places espoused for a while, until it became too embarrassing, was that of NAMBLA, the so-called North American Man Boy Love Association. A more widespread tendency among them is to try to push sexual instruction in the schools on children as young as 5-6 years old. The anti-child movement, including targeting "breeders" -- people who have children, or want to have children of their own -- with obscenities and even rather frightening threats arose among liberals. And quite a few of them are clearly, judging from their behavior,
malignant narcissists who are totally invested in attempting to control others, going so far as to try to destroy those they can't control. From what I've seen of her offerings over the years, Wonkette is a great example of a malignant narcissist -- obviously no conscience, no sense of proportion, in love with her own ego and prepared to kill to defend it, an arrested adolescent or even younger child whose moral development ended before grade school. These aren't insults -- they are accurate descriptions of many of today's liberals in general and Wonkette in particular. It is very hard to find such characteristics among conservatives, probably because conservatives are self-selected for reasons that couldn't even be imagined by such liberals.
You know, something about Wonkette and those disgusting commenters strikes me as strongly resembling the high priestess of some scary, evil cult and her followers. Trig is, apparently, the sacrificial victim of the day. The psychology is exactly that, regardless of formal trappings or lack thereof. H. P. Lovecraft might have used her and her followers in one of his stories as just that, a cult led by a charismatic, evil high priestess worshipping some terrible, murderous Mythos being. Satanists at least declare themselves for what they are. These vicious, cowardly bastards don't even have the decency to give fair warning before they strike in posts such as that one.