Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News. They're going to bury the poor thing's carcass in the sand. Why they can't tow it far enough out to sea -- what? a hundred miles or so? -- to ensure that the tide won't bring it back, and/or weight it with lead weights to make sure it sinks out there, even if relatively close to shore, thus recycling the nutrients in its body, is beyond me. But the problem is being taken care of . . . maybe. Let us hope that the Ghost of Whales Past doesn't come back to haunt about twelve miles of coastline with its not-elusive-enough perfume because somehow the waves and weather uncovered that carcass once more.
For some unfathomable (heh) reason, this struck me as funny. It isn't, and I'm being extraordinarily disrespectful of that poor, beached whale. But I've still got the giggles. I wish I knew why. Maybe it's because I don't live anywhere near that beach. Now watch a truck filled with choice meats overturn in the middle of August on the road just outside where I live, which would be a great way for Nemesis to repay hubris . . .