TSA Officer Admits Plot to Post Porn on Christian Site On April 10, Bob Seashols, a Coordination Center Officer for the Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) at the Richmond International Airport (RIC) and an administrator for Atheists United’s Facebook page, took part in a coordinated effort to populate pornographic images, extreme profanity, and sexually explicit anti-Christian hate-speech on the Facebook page of Ken Ham, an internationally known Christian ministry leader who serves as president of Answers in Genesis-U.S (AiG) and the popular Creation Museum, located near Cincinnati, Ohio.
And he couldn't see why his "private behavior" might have an effect on his job status.
This clown is one of those helping to guard Western civilization, whether he knows it or not. Apparently "not" is the operative word, because he'd either not have that job or he wouldn't have behaved in a way directly opposed to civilization -- regardless of one's religion or lack thereof, civilization includes such things as antibiotics, relatively safe childbirth, magnificent prosthetics for those who have lost parts of their bodies, cardiac bypass surgery, and other frivolities. I can't think of anyone I know who would want to give those frivolities up -- and I know quite a few who'd be dead today if they had. As Robert A. Heinlein once said, once a civilization has lost its manners, you know it's ready for a body-bag. It's incidents like this that make me despair of the future of Western civilization.
What else is going to come crawling out of the woodwork