Sunlight on rain

Apr 13, 2011 19:33

A few minutes ago, I happened to glance out my eastern glass doors, and saw what seemed to be a vast strip of gauze hanging between Aurora Avenue North and the hills about a mile to the east of here. It was glowing, radiant in the light of the westering Sun. It made everything east of it look fuzzy and indistinct. There was a rainbow arching across the sky behind it.

Within a short time the "gauze" dispersed. It was a short, hard downburst of rain; sunlight glancing off individual raindrops in it created the warm, pale yellow glow.

The sky to the east is covered with clouds tinted in colors ranging from pink to blue-violet, violet, storm-grey, and light grey, but light is still coming from the west, apparently through a great rift in cloud cover over there. Buildings along the far side of Aurora Avenue North are picked out brilliantly by that light. I'd leave my room and head for a window in the lounge where I could see exactly where the light was coming from, but I got back from Bartell's, where I went to pick up antibiotics prescribed by the doctor at the ER yesterday, about 3 hours ago, and feel sick enough to stay in my room. What's left of today is a bust as far as getting anything of note done -- I have an appointment on Beacon Hill tomorrow, and I need to take it easy tonight, so I'll have enough energy for it tomorrow. I hate being sick . . .

rainbows, light, sunset, rain, weather, beauty

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