Sarah Palin Slams Kathy Griffin: She Is a 50-Year-Old Bully -

Mar 07, 2011 15:58

Kathy Griffin is in fact a 50-year old bully -- and her stated determination to "destroy" 16-year-old Willow Palin makes her a predator and a class-A baby-beater, as well. She ought to be ashamed of herself. Betcha she's too deteriorated to do that, though. Anyone with such a constricted, degenerate vision of the moral universe fits the definition of a malignant narcissist to perfection. And maybe we can throw in "sociopath," as well. If the shoe fits, Kathy . . .

predators (crime), celebrities, bullying, sociopathology, television, malignant narcissism, bastards, @!$%^&##!!?!, violence, cruelty, bullies, evil, assholes

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