a great many conservatives have predicted the world will fall apart if gays are allowed to serve openly in our military. Every one of these conservatives profess themselves to be Christians -- but their hysteria over gays far and away outweighs anything they have to say about Jesus's teachings about love, charity, and one's willingness to be good to one's neighbor. Whatever happened to the teaching that all humanity is made in the image of Christ -- including gays, women, children, paraplegics, people who aren't your color, people who aren't your religion, the guy across the street with the face nobody can love, and your bastardly thieving brother-in-law Charlie?
Who is my neighbor? Who is my brother? I think a lot of us need to do some cramming to be able to answer both those questions satisfactorily.
And see
Sacred Band of Thebes, especially the words of Phillip II of Macedon, who said of the Sacred Band: "Perish any man who suspects that these men either did or suffered anything unseemly."