Lucid dream: empty buildings

Nov 06, 2010 11:42

Well, not really empty, but empty of all those who once lived in them. Newbies are in them now.

Over the years I've had a number of dreams of a house with numerous rooms many of them extending way the hell off into the distance along a long, long hallway which presumably goes all the way to the end of the housed. The house may have only one story, or two stories, but is no higher than that, and it's built in California frame construction style. It is modeled somewhat on a combination of the San Gabriel Country Club's clubhouse and homes owned by various people living in Southern California who were friends of my adoptive parents, and the implication is that it could be far larger than it even seems in the dream proper, the rooms to either side of that hallway perhaps going off in the distance on either side to incalculable distances. There's a sense that treasure of whatever kind may be in rooms far from the main part of the house, which is on the western side of it -- the long hall runs east-west, only connecting with the western part of the house through the living-room.

For a long time, the place was tenanted by people I knew from childhood, either children I played with or their parents and other family. In the dream I had this morning, the people who lived in it were not even anyone I know now, or if they were, they sure didn't look anything like them, and were in fact a lot younger than I am.

What does it mean when the same infrastructure that always shows up in your dreams is still there, but the people who have always populated your dreams are suddenly gone, replaced by wholly unfamiliar faces?

One other thing: I dreamed I had moved into a new place, had had to move into it because of some disaster at my old place, such as hostile people there, and I thought I had had to abandon all my music and DVD collection. I have had so many dreams in which I've lost everything, including my books, computer, CDs, DVDs, and everything else but the clothing I stood up in (and then even that!), and I felt absolutely sandbagged by yet another such loss. But then a woman who lived there told me that there were some boxes of my stuff out in the porch that opened up to the outside stairs, and I went out there and found the boxes contained all my CDs and DVDs -- and then I remembered packing them and bringing them with me. I started to feel on top of the world -- and then the same woman came in as I was unpacking them in my room and haughtily informed me that I had "too many things" and ought to throw the CDs and DVDs out. I snapped something at her and went on unpacking the CDs and DVDs, while she left the room in a huff. She did manage to make me feel depressed again, but she really had no business telling me to get rid of anything, and both of us knew it, so I wasn't worried about that.

lucid dreams, dreams

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