Walking the Path of Madness - Not very often I have local news to link here...

Oct 22, 2010 00:46


Not very often I have local news to link here...

But it's Mindanao. Extortion-jizya may have funded bus bombing (Don't worry, I'm in the other end of the country.) There isn't really much point in trying to be distinct as to whether this was done by the MILF or the Abu Sayyf, but this is more in line with the tactics of the latter. Doesn't really help that our President is very slow to react to most things (I have not yet quite crossed over to pure contempt for our President, and his holding that his workday starts only at 10 am I find rather contemptible. By contrast, the much hated Arroyo started her day at 5 am, and tended to end it past midnight. I'm glad she's a Governor now.)

Muslim convert guilty of urging attack on South Park writers An observation in the comments raises a point that few seem to notice these days: funny how it's a lot of the converts to Islam that are spearheading a good chunk of the jihad on the news these days.

The beginning of the end of European Multiculturalism

Police see over 1000 militant Islamists in Germany aaaaand I'm sure it would not be hard to find them in the midst of conspiracy to commit terrorism.

Celebrating Free Speech victories

Another victim of Europe's Jihad against Islamo-realism ... and here's another one

Muslim brothers arrested for string of honor killings . . .

See original post for links.

germany, islamism, philipines, muslims, first amendment, multiculturalism, honor killings, terror, jihad, terrorism

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