
Sep 06, 2010 22:19

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Song: Sedna
Artist: Heather Dale
Album: The Road To Santiago

Sedna roamed the deep
The cold forgotten deep
No one wants to be alone

Sedna roamed the deep
The cold forgotten deep
No one wants to be alone

From her hands they fell
Children of the ocean's swell
With ice's twinkle given sight

She offered them a name
And seals they all became
And laughing, took a coat of dappled light

Sedna roamed the deep
The cold forgotten deep
No one wants to be alone

Sedna roamed the deep
The cold forgotten deep
No one wants to be alone

From her hands they fell
Ever in the sea to dwell
Nimble fingered, quick and lithe

She offered them a name
And otters they became
Keepers of her secrets in the ice

Sedna roamed the deep
The cold forgotten deep
No one wants to be alone

Sedna roamed the deep
The cold forgotten deep
No one wants to be alone

From her hands they fell
The mightiest of all
Slow and gentle as the tides

She offered them a name
And whales they all became
To tread the paths the lesser are denied

Sedna roamed the deep
The cold forgotten deep
No one wants to be alone

Sedna roamed the deep
The cold forgotten deep
No one wants to be alone

Sedna roamed the deep
The cold forgotten deep
No one wants to be alone

* * * * *

90377 Sedna is a trans-Neptunian object, discovered in 2003, which currently lies about three times as far from the Sun as Neptune. However, its farthest orbital distance from the Sun is estimated to be 960 astronomical units (AU), and thus it is, for the majority of its orbit, the most distant known object in the Solar System after long-period comets. oughly two-thirds the size of Pluto, Sedna is hypothetically large enough to be rounded by its own gravity, and thus, all other things being equal, would readily qualify as a planet. But its distance from the Sun makes determining its shape difficult, so this isn't a sure thing. Spectroscopy has revealed that Sedna's surface composition is similar to that of some other trans-Neptunian objects, being largely a mixture of water, methane and nitrogen ices with tholins. Its surface is one of the reddest in the Solar System.

In Inuit mythology, Sedna (Inuktitut Sanna) is a goddess of the marine animals, especially mammals such as seals. She lives in and rules over Adlivun, the Inuit underworld. Sedna is also known as Arnakuagsak or Arnarquagssaq (Greenland) and Nerrivik (northern Greenland) or Nuliajuk (District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories). Although Sedna is believed to predominate throughout the Canadian Arctic, She has been known by other names by different Inuit groups. One example of this is Arnapkapfaaluk (big bad woman) of the Copper Inuit from the Coronation Gulf area.

gods, planet, music, videos, mythology, astronomy, solar system

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