Fungi amungi, or, the Revenge of Yuggoth

Aug 08, 2010 17:33

Perhaps I should have been a little less aggressive in yanking out all the mushrooms I found growing in poor Eris's potting soil. This last couple of weeks has been a nightmare -- every day, almost, I've found spreading white fungal stains and egregiousy prolific fungal webs growing on Shub's leaves, and fungal blight all over Eris. I've sprayed and sprayed and sprayed them both with fungicide, to no avail -- it only seems to harm their leaves and petals. I'm finally trying spraying them both with water, which does seem to help. Fungi like dampness, but not out-and-out floods of water. The water also washes off the accumulated layers of fungicide/pesicide spray, so that their leaves can breathe.

What's scary are the fungal webs I find on Shub. They look like cobwebs, but no spider makes them. I brush or wash them off, and five minutes later they're all over Shub again, great webby messes of them. Anybody know a better fungicide?

cthulhu mythos, roses, fungi, yuggoth, shub niggurath, plants, eris

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