CME impact!

Aug 03, 2010 19:20

The first of possibly two incoming CMEs hit Earth's magnetic field today at approximately 1740 UT (1:40 pm EDT). As a result of the impact, a moderate (Kp=6) geomagnetic storm is underway. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras after nightfall.

UPDATE: Northern Lights are being sighted now in Europe. Jesper Grønne sends this picture from Denmark:

"It's not every day we see auroras at +56 degrees latitude," says Grønne. "This could be a good storm."

In Lofoten, Norway, scientist Rob Stammes detected electrical currents flowing through the earth outside his laboratory. "At 17.40 UT, ground currents indicated the arrival of a CME: data. Three hours later a geomagnetic storm is active, strong enough for auroras." . . . More:

sun, electromagnetism, science, space, meteorology, solar, beauty, aurorae

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