Kerry: The Man Inside

Mar 05, 2004 19:06

Lately, for a research project, I've been reading a great many books on forensic detection, forensic pathology, and the sort of profiling the FBI does on different types of violent criminals. These include, e.g., Ann Rule's A Rage To Kill and Other True Cases: Anne Rule's Crime Files, Vol. 6; Stephen G. Michaud and Roy Hazelwood's The Evil That Men Do: FBI Profiler Roy Hazelwood's Journey into the Minds of Sexual Predators; Colin Evans' A Question of Evidence: The Casebook of Great Forensic Controversies, from Napoleon to O.J. -- by the way, this book contains one of the most darkly humorous, and completely true, accounts of criminal doings and non-doings [or much of anything else] I've ever read, that of late-20th century forensic research into whether Alferd Packer did or did not murder and eat the men for whom he'd acted as guide through the Colorado Rockies one ill-fated winter); and Gregg O' McCrary and Katherine Ramsland's The Unknown Darkness: Profiling the Predators Among Us. (This list is by no means exhaustive; these are just the most recent four I've read on the subject.)

What has lately given me the shivers as I read these is how much John Kerry (not to mention certain other top Democrats, if in slightly different ways) seems to fit many of the characteristics which forensic detectives assign to the more spectacularly violent criminals, such as pathological lying (as not-so-careful perusal of the news will confirm, what he says on any given topic one day may be 180 degrees away from what he says about it the next); a tendency to blame everything that has gone wrong in his life on others, never taking the blame for any of it (Great Right-Wing Conspiracy, anyone? I realize that one was the brainchild of the Clintons, but as I said about other Democrats . . .); a size-20 ego matched with a size-2 soul; and so on and on.

There is also the matter of Kerry's claims as to what American soldiers did in Vietnam, such as collecting necklacefuls of ears and much, much worse. And I begin to wonder: is Kerry just projecting onto other men, innocent of such crimes, what he may have done himself in a fit or for recreation, as Jung would say, seeing his own, thoroughly alienated Shadow in everyone around him, whether it is there or not? Or maybe, like the thief who cries "Stop thief!" to distract people from seeing what he is about to do himself, which is sneak out the back of the building with the swag he has stolen from it, get them chasing some man entirely innocent of any crime so he can get away scot free, accusing innocent vets of serial and spree killings that he himself carried out on dark nights for the fun of it?

Of course, I can't prove Kerry ever did such a thing. But I wonder. I really do.

history, crime, forensics, vietnam war, sociopathology, politics

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