More notes on Qaballah

Jul 12, 2010 20:21

1) Visualizing an n-dimensional Tree of Life, where n is greater than 3:

I developed an n-dimensional version of the Tree of Life, where n is indefinitely great, which, however, retains at its heart the original, traditional, 2-dimensional, 10-Sephiroth Tree of Life in completely undistorted, undamaged form, so that the rest of the expanded Tree protects and shields and supports it (if anyone wants copies of the articles describing it, let me know and I will be happy to upload them to you, absolutely FREE, if you send me an email address for that. They are also available on; put "Yael Dragwyla," "Yael Dragwyla Qaballah," or "Yael Dragwyla New Magicks Volume III into their search engine and go for it). I have been asked if it's possible visualize the expanded Tree for dimensions higher than 3. Except for very rare individuals with the spatial perception aspects of their brains developed in unusual ways, I'd have to say no, but then you don't have to.

Consider a multilinear array represented by ((a1,a2,a3,a4,...,an), (b1,b2,...,bn),...,(z1,z2,...,zn)), where n and z can be any indefinitely large positive integers. Each one of the components of that array ij, for 1 less than or equal to i less than or equal to n and 1 less than or equal to j less than or equal to z, is a component of an n x z matrix. Each of those components may also be such a matrix, and in that way you can expand that representation to include as many components and subcomponents as you wish, i.e., all the way to infinity if you wish. Those arrays can be mathematically manipulated in countless ways, and can be read out relatively easily in the form of arrays which are easy to comprehend. I.e., you don't have to visualize an n-dimensional Tree of Life, where n is greater than three; all you have to do is describe it in terms of arrays of information as described above, which can also be mathematically analyzed and manipulated to produce more information. Such arrays can be Qaballistically analyzed and meditated upon and used in Magick rituals in the same way that information from the traditional Tree of Life can, and lose none of their value in the process.

2) Why trying to use Qaballah for the purpose of black Magick is a bad idea:

By definition, Qaballah represents the natural and mortal as well as the divine balance of Creation. Those who have memorized the Tree of Life, the system it represents, and the meaning of that system thus contain within their minds, souls, and spirits an active version of the Tree.* If he, his community, his world, and/or Creation as a whole are damaged, wounded or sick, it will do its best to heal them, using him to do it. But its mode of expression is top-down, that is, it works from the highest hierarchical levels of the structure of Creation, going from Creation itself down through worlds and, within those worlds, to communities and then the individuals comprising those communities. If a community perishes, so do the individuals dependent upon it for physical and genetic survival; if a world perishes, so do the communities, natural and otherwise, making it up; if Creation itself should perish, so would the worlds that are part of it. So it will do its best, first, to heal Creation as a whole, should that be needed; then the individual's living world, should that be needed; then the community of which the individual is part, should that be needed; and then the individual himself, elminating pathogens and pathogenic situations as it goes. If that individual should be seriously involved in things harmful to his community, his world, or even Creation, and be unwilling to give those things up, then it will decide that he is the pathogen and the generator of pathogens, and will ultimately rid everything else of his presence any way it can, in order to protect life itself.

That's why black Magick, which is all about speed and power and attacks everything frontally, when based on Qaballah inevitably backfires, earning the dedicated practioner a spectacular Darwin Award if he persists in playing around with it like that. Case in point: the Nazis, who mined every single culture they could for occult practices, of course also got interested in Qaballah, and tried using it to further their aims. Result: consider photographs of Berlin at the end of World War II, which tell the tale. (And, of course, they tried to incorporate the old Norse religion in their Workings, as well. The Norse would have despised them. What Germany looked like at the end of World War II is exactly what you'd expect if the Norse Gods had decided to exercise their disgust at Germany's shenanigans which, even worse, were often dedicated to Them. Old Odin never did put up with fools for very long. And Odin, like everything else, has His place on the Tree of Life, in this case, Path 23, Mem, connecting Sephiroth 3 and 8, associated with Trump XII, The Hanged Man; He is also associated with Sephirah 8, Hod, and Beth, Path 12, connecting Sephiroth 1 and 3, associated with Trump I, The Magician. Double jeapordy.) Qaballah strives to bring all things into a healthy balance, while black Magick strives to seriously unbalance things and keep them that way, like a tyrant seeking to oppress his subjects and everyone else he can forever, which is completely antithetical to what the Qaballah, incorporated within oneself as a living system of information acting through oneself, the organism, wants to do. Push Qaballah hard enough, long enough, and it will push back. Hard. Guess what that earns?

And that's why trying to use Qaballah for purposes of black Magick is a bad idea.


*That is, have generated within themselves something -- the Qaballah -- that gives rise to a biological process which is based on what the Tree represents. The Qaballah does whatever it can to manifest that within the individual himself, and, through the individual, his community, his living world, and Creation at large, harmonizing and rectifying and balancing everything it can. Its method of operation is rather like the way tai chi and kinetic systems such as Bujinkan budo which are based on it, rather than attacking problems frontally, all speed and power, like, say, karate

At any rate, the student of Qaballah learns, among other things, a set of principles of geometry and algebra by which the Tree of Life, of whatever dimensionality, can be generated. Those principles may be learned consciously, or they may evolve naturally within the mind from the graphic of the Tree of Life that he has learned. Once those principles have generated the Tree of Life within him, or they have been generated by the Tree itself when the Tree has been larned by him by rote, the mind then associates the Tree now within him with everything he knows, whether practical, physical, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual.

history, engineering, tarot, qaballah, magick, justice, occult, stupid human tricks, evil, ass-backwards

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