banner: Government to Regulate Salt

Apr 20, 2010 21:03

Back in the 1970s, health-conscious parents demanded of Gerber that any salt in their baby-food be removed. Gerber complied, and even trumpeted the fact. And then . . . Gerber's had the shit sued out of them by customers whose children were dying or dead for lack of sodium. Turns out sodium -- as in "sodium chloride," a.k.a. common table salt -- is absolutely necessary to the health and functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems, the heart, and the muscles, and without it an organism won't survive long.

Salt, like white sugar, is also a very effective preservative. In fact, its use as such is far older than that of white sugar, a culinary johnny-come-lately which entered the scene in Europe only during the Crusades and later. The use of salt as a preservative goes back centuries; its use as an antiseptic, on the other hand, probably dates back tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years -- bathing an infected wound in seawater is a trick that some dinosaurs might well have learned, and many nonhuman mammals today have been observed doing that. Its antiseptic properties are the reason that it is so useful as a preservative -- bacteria and small parasites can't survive close proximity to it, because it adsorbs all the water in them and dessicates them to death in short order.

Sugar, on the other hand, is also squarely in the sights of the high-and-mighty liberal regulators of our food. Without salt or sugar, canned goods will not last long in the can; hams would take about three days to go bad; and a great deal of the rest of what we eat would quickly become inedible or even toxic.

Great. This means the liberals want to a) destroy every infant in this country, even their own, and b) they want to ensure no one, not even themselves, will have enough good food to eat. If this goes through, it'll be one more piece of evidence that our species is in a total self-destruct mode. What other species wants to rob even their own offspring of what is needed for life?

medicine, liberals, nutrition, law, food, health

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