Nota bene: In response to the video presented on the linked page, I commented:
I have to agree that Steven Colbert treats deadly serious issues as if they were simply excuses for lampoon. Also, as one of millions of Americans who are truly angry with our elected representatives for ignoring our express wishes and passing a bill - the Healthcare Initiative - that is not only badly written but unconstitutional, and passed unconstitutionally, and who does not and never will have the money to be able to go to some other, better country to get quality healthcare after the damned thing clamps down on us all, I find Mr. Colbert’s riffs on Republicans and conservatives extremely insulting and cruel. *We don’t matter* to people like Colbert, who apparently are buffered from all the evils the rest of us are prey to. Colbert is, in his way, just as bad as Tommy Davis; in Colbert’s case, by making fun of Scientology’s critics in this sort of context, he robs them of any serious consideration by the public, and encourages the public to turn a blind eye to Scientology’s real and present evils. Not good.
The video on the linked page can't be embedded here, so you must go to that page to see it, and to read the very apt comments there, as well.