It was a curious thing, and I thought others might find it interesting. -- I dunno about bears. The bears who can be truly dangerous are so for the same reason people can be dangerous: they're individuals and they're intelligent, and that makes them unpredictable. One thing I've heard, though, is that they hate to be crowded; grizzlies tend to avoid us, usually, and as long as they have an escape route and don't have to confront us, they'll back away. Even so, if they're hungry, or drawn by the smell of food and/or sex, that doesn't mean much. Anyway, peppers: I'm thinking of getting ornamental pepper plants, and anything I run across about peppers right now intrigues me. :-)
Comments 2
But then, that's the engineer in me. The social scientist says, "hey, someone must think there's genuine scare value in that."
Meanwhile, I am reminded of the poster advising people to wear bells and carry pepper spray in bear country...
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