Ingrid Newkirk, founder and head of PETA (,, is calling for the extermination of all domestic animals, whether pets or work animals or food animals. I hear that PETA is also calling for the extermination of all animals in zoos -- including those creatures that are members of extremely endangered species -- and the shutting down of all zoos and circuses with animal acts worldwide. That would include all housecats, dogs, cattle, goats, sheep, chickens, farmed fish, horses, donkeys, and any other sort of creature that has been domesticated by us.
Terrier dogs catch rats -- they are superlative rat-catchers. So do many cats -- who also keep down mice, which take a terrible toll on human food supplies, not to mention books, clothing, insulation, etc. Goats, sheep, chickens, and cattle provide food and materials for clothing and other needed goods for a huge segment of the global population of humanity. Even a very poor man, one who can't afford an internal-combustion vehicle of any kind, can usually afford a donkey to help him bring in his crops and take his goods to market, and goats, which provide food and leather for millions of people worldwide.
As it happens, many of those dependent on domestic animals for food, clothing, and farm work live in the Middle East. It amazes me that a fatwa has never been issued against Ingrid Newkirk by radical Islamist mullahs. In that case they'd really have a case: she is advocating the obliteration of what coundtless Muslims depend on for their survival. Seems there's never an Islamist around when you really need them . . .