Sep 21, 2007 21:41
What have I been doing the past couple of days you may ask? Getting tortured! Well to start off, two days ago I got 4 perfectly good teeth pulled so I can have enough room in mouth so I can get braces. The experience was actually kinda of horrifying. Even worse than getting my wisdom teeth pulled. Why you ask? Well you know the loud thing they put in your mouth to suck out water in your mouth while the dentist is doing something you dont want to know? I like that thing because it makes loud noises so I can be distracted from thinking about what the dentist might be doing. They didnt use it while the the dentist was trying to pull not one but four of my permanent teeth out. So I can literally hear and feel the dentist pulling out my teeth. That is way more horrifying than being knocked out and waking up to know that they did pull out 4 of your wisdom teeth. So when I went home rice porridge was my friend.
Okay here is exclusive news for people who actually take the time to read my blog and see what's going on in my life...thank you friends. I got braces today! No one knows except my family. =) Anyways the orthodontist says it doesnt hurt now but it will hurt tomorrow. Boy, do I look forward to that. MORe rice porridge here I come.
Yesterday I went with Jane to her marketing class at SDSU. It was just nice to be "in the same classroom" again with her I guess. The lecture wasn't so bad. Her professor read the evaluation that students left for her class. The one that stood out was " Professor _______, was more effective than any sleeping pill I've ever taken." hahaha pretty funny. After that hung out with Steph a bit to catch up and she gave me a tour of State. People are like why would you want to go to school when you're on your break? I guess I went because I wanted to show concern for my 2 friends and just to see how they are. Maybe just to see what they experience so that I could relate to them. At state I also Kim Truong and Khoa. They're my kindergarten buddies! and they're going out. It's so cute how when we were in kindergarten they were "play" bf and they're actually going out! I'm happy for them. =)
One of my friend let me read one of her journal entry and while I was reading it, I thought "Is this a essay?!?!" hahaha it was VERY insightful and I told her "dude you make my entries seem so shallow." hahaha Anyways, I guess it just depends on the person.
Well that's it for now...maybe I will try and take a normal picture(if that's possible) with my braces...hahaha =) Until next time, take good care of yourself.