Jun 22, 2010 22:45
Its been a little over a year since my last post. My last post was dedicated to the pg-13 shennanigans I could write about in relation to the insanity that was Puerto Rico. I guess I should catch everyone up on my life since then.
So I returned from Puerto Rico hungover and refreshed after a long overdue vacation. I remember frantically putting the finishing touches on my seminar paper. Its always good when you write half your paper hung over in your Puerto Rico hotel room. Fortunately, I got an A, and the word was safe for democracy for yet another day.
After the paper, I had to jump into bar preparation. After I had put in a little over a month of preparation (we're talking 12 hrs a day of studying at least) I receive a letter from the FL bar telling me I'll have to wait to take the test due to a money discrepancy. Needless to say I was pissed off. From one day to the next I went from studying my life away to having more time then I could possibly imagine. I was pretty bitter because I just wanted to take the test and get it over with. So I pretty much found myself just twiddling my thumbs just waiting for the next thing to come along. I used the time to hang out with friends, and reconnect with people that I had lost touch with because law school was pretty time consuming at times.
The next thing to occur was the re-emergence of my ex from out of the blue. That happened in late August. It was pretty crazy, I mean I have over 8 years worth of history with this girl. On again, off again, on again, off again, its like a roller coaster without the fast pass. Its quite annoying. So initially, everything was great but then sure enough she played the whole "i'm a crazy flake card" and peaced out. Its like she looks for any reason to sabotage the possibility of us being together. I mean I can relate because once upon a time I was the guy that didn't want to commit. I looked for every possible exit because I had a huge fear of commitment. But then again, when I was rockin that card we were much younger. Now I find myself over that situation. It gets to a point where you have to realize that someone is no good for you. I mean she's really like cancer. I feel like I have cancer, given to me by her, and then when she comes back its like i'm in remission. Well i'm sick of feeling that way. Why should I give it my all when she casually picks and chooses when to enter and exit my life. Yeah, i'm not having it anymore, and quite frankly I feel sorry for her. I know one day she'll choke on regret, and well thats her problem. I can't keep my social life on hold with the possibility that me and her will end up together. Its not fair to me, and quite frankly its not fair to all the women out there that could truly benefit from my awesomeness.
The next thing that happened is something inside me went off like a bomb!!!! One day I'm at the gym working out like any other day, and then all of a sudden I get incredibly dizzy, and my chest felt like it was going to explode. I ended up going to the hospital, and they told me that they believed what I experienced was a panic attack. Now I find that kind of odd because I'm like the least anxious person on the planet. So ever since that day I've been going to specialist after specialist trying to get to the bottom of things. I've been to a cardiologist, a gastrointerologist, a psychiatrist, a neurologist, and an ear, nose, and throat specialist. At this point my worst symptoms are heart palpitations and massive headaches. I got the chest stuff under control, but the headaches are brutal!!! So their trying to get me on an anti migraine medication. Lets see how that works out... I mean I need my mind, my mind is one of my greatest strengths and well I find that it tends to function better when it doesn't feel like my brain is about to explode!!!!
I did manage to sign up for the bar exam in February. I busted my ass studying for that test, and well lets just say that my hard work was rewarded because I am now an unemployed attorney or a self employed attorney depending on my mood. In other words, I have a card declaring me as a supreme bad ass, capable of suing someone in a moment's notice. I can make it rain in clubs with business cards. I also do enjoy throwing out business cards like they are ninja stars!!!!
So what am I up too now? Now I am in the process of finishing my masters in public administration. Its kind of a joke at this point. I mean in both my classes I have a higher degree then my professors which I find amusing. I'm taking two classes over the summer. I mean I barely go to them. I just show up to the tests, and turn in the assignments online. I'm also trying to have as much fun as possible before I start working, and cross over into the world of happy hour.
So that is my general update as to what has been going on over the past year. There have been many crazy parties, rendezvous's with women of questionable morals, the occasional philosophical moment in which I have broken down the great mysteries of life. I was quite proud of the legends of the hidden temple party I hosted. It was pretty epic!!! Purple Parrots dominated that party! Oh and today I watched a few episodes of Darkwing Duck. That cartoon rocked!
Oh and I promise to be more attentive to my LJ, because clearly the word of the day is "NOSTALGIA". If this was an episdoe of pee wee's playhouse this is the part where all the furniture would go crazy!!!!!