I've been alone all along...

Nov 28, 2003 14:26

Yesterday was Thanksgiving!! Thanksgiving is one of my favorites..I mean come on who doesn't like sitting around all day doing nothing and then eating this HUGE ass meal you've been waiting for all year with your family. Well at least that's how I see it, but anyway I hope everyone had I nice holiday cuz I pretty much did.

I ended up seeing Gothika wednesday night. Let me tell you..I was freaked out! The movie was really quit interesting and good..but it was scary too. There was about 100 of us in the group that went..Lindsay, Matt, Nicole, Abby, Erica, Ben, Eric, Harry, Neil, Lauren, Alex and his girlfriend, and I. It was crazy..but before we went Matt took us to the Bingdoo at HQ..well its trucker talk and codes..but it was tight..thats all I'll say about that.

Thank god for this break off of school..even though there is nothing going on this weekend. I finally have softball practice this sunday but that's about it. I guess the volleyball teams have been chosen..and boy can I comment..lakeshore volleyball sucks..but it's mostly the coach. She picks the most outrageous teams I've ever seen. I'm not going to mention any names, especially since I'm not even playing this year..but it's definetly ridiclious. Kwapish, or however the hell you spell the stupid name, has her little favorites just like any other coach..but then to top it all of..she copies off of hartley and anything he does. If someone is good at basketball..well hell..they are the shit in volleyball..so there we go. She does not know how to control, manage, and coach a winning varsity highschool volleyball team. In my opinion, and many others, she needs to go coach at a elementary school where no one cares. On another note..congrats to the varisty basketball team for winning districts this year..that was tight. I wish we would'a won when all the seniors were on the team..but what can you do.

well..im out for now..hopefully partying it up tonight so peas out everyone!

Smirnoff Girlz
"You'll still be buzzin by monday"
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