I am almost out of Money to finish my barn, I need the barn in order to work. I have spent the last few days trying to work out the essentials I need to get up and running, and what i can leave off until the spring.
I must insulate or I will not be able to work in the cold, And I think I must stain the new wood siding so it doesn't swell and leak and crack and all. The electric is in, but I will not hook up all of the outlets.
Why is money such a pain?
The weather is a nice nudge , a reminder that winter is coming and I better get as much done now as possible.
Anyone want to buy my house is Coney island? Then I would be able to finish the Barn I think.......
herre is a photo of the Barn in High Falls
and this is the side view before we did all the work, like raising it 11" and then putting new siding and windows in.