Nov 07, 2003 11:36
This is for my HP fans. *Ducks thrown books and such?*
I just saw the USA pictures at TLC. The Snape one made me go, "Aww" and the Dumbledore one made me go, "Hmn.."
Anyone else know why Lupin is sitting next to Snape? Other than the fact that the DATDA teacher usually sits next to him. I don't remember Gilderoy sitting next to Snape. And I suddenly want to watch both movies again. I know he sat next to Quirrell. But.. The seating order seems to of changed a bit, methinks. Snape used to sit on the far left of the table. Dumbledore would sit in the middle with McGonagal on one side and someone else on other. I just remember that it wasn't Snape. *Twitch*
And anybody else catch the "wings outstretched owl vs. hands outstretched Dumbledore"? Anyone else remember spotting an owl just before Dumbledore arrived on scene in the first movie? Do I sense a little bit of symbolism here, or is it just me? Could those Dumbledore is an animagi theories be true?
Okay, WOAH.. Was just looking at the Snape picture. *POINTS!* Look at where Rickman's hand is! ON Harry. Not just, "I;ll protect you" like with Hermione but.. 'TOUCHTOUCHTOUCH'! *Gasps!* Snape, not in public, that's for the dungeons! Silly man.