What!!! Livejournal still exists.
It's only been like what? 4-5 months since i last left a post.
Anywho......RECAP!!! since November until this very minute.
Ate a bird.Went to work and practice.Became overly obsessed with pumpkin pie. Was introduced to the Javahut smoothie by Abbi.Overdressed for Ashley's Birthday party.Also could not forget the Hoedown where i lost my pinkie toe to my size 8 cowboy boots( i wear size 12 mind you).And then we go to the month of the fat-man.
Probably one of my favorite X-mas memories. Recieved a car battery as one of my presents amongst other various gifts that range from a grandma made blanket to some $$$ and a few trinkets here and there. I did however recieve my X-mas money a week before christmas so i could buy a CD burner, Istead i used the money to buy gifts for friends and family.I became utterly dissapointed with this years snow droppings, no sledding, no good snowball fights, no good snow. Developed a new hatred for brushing all the snow and ice off of my car. Had like 3 pumpkin pies. Lost a total of $60 dollars to Texas Holdem poker. Did I mention the gas cards that saved my life that month.Stepped inside a girls bathroom for the first time.
Janelle came home and had a good reuniting with her and watching wedding crashers.P.S. way to say goodbye Janelle! Onward to the New Year!
I think this was the first New Years that I did something on.Got a lil tipsy and played some scattergories(which i blew at). Didn't even bother to make a resolution I don't have time for all that nonsense.Started getting stalked by this crazy girl who tried to hit me with a tennis ball, i don't know what was up with all that.
Had my 19th birthday, which goes along with my beard and now my glasses. The old man transformation is almost complete, now i just need somebody to break my hip so i can get a cane & maybe some hearing aids. Cannot forget Liz B's birthday scav hunt. Good times, peopel are scared as hell to take pictures for you though whats up with that? Hopefully getting fired from work soon. Making it a habbit to get smoothies once a week.And then we come to yesterday in where Saralee De-virginized my coldstone cherry.Today is another day and i'm here.
I think i would like this upcoming month if it didn't hold such a grudge on it's main holiday.
I promise never to leave you again LJ.
Some Subjects at hand:
FHS: Um..................
Girls: ...Um.............
Beards: I think they are an important part of our daily lives. I think everyone should invest in growing them.
Music: Success! Started listening to 2 new bands that are quite enjoyable. Both are from England. First group is called the Arctic Monkeys. And the Second is called Hard-fi.They are different but good none the less.
Movies: Eureka! Man did I see a buttload of movies over the past few months. I remember Jarhead, I kinda skipped Rent, heard it was a rather lame musical. I did see The Producers which was a hillarious musical. Chronicals of Narnia to satisfy the Nerd in me. And i think thats it.
I need to start hanging out with certain people alot more.Lots fun being missed out on.Im starting to wonder if there is such thing as "Bad Luck" cause if there is I reign supreme in having it.It's just one damn thing after another, i feel like i'm taking crazy pills.I don't think there is much left to say.... I think this year started off pretty poopy and is only going to get poopier.Hooray for poop!
Secreast OUT!