Apr 02, 2004 17:30
I have a feeling this is going to be a WEAK week off. Everyone is gone, and I sincerely want to golf or ball, but there is no one to golf or ball with. idiots. PLUS, I finally made the varsity team, semi-permanently perhaps, we'll see. It's a BIG accomplishment for me, but today's match was cancelled where I would have played 2nd doubles! 2nd!! That's not even last! Well, that's big news, and per usual I straight dominated my report card with the first letter of the 'bet, short for alphabet. Let's see if I can't muster up some plans for the week off, although, I almost definitely will fail. There's always plan B. Sleep until 12:30, and then watch reruns of SportsCenter eating Cocoa Krispies in my pj's with my cat.