Alright, the world

Mar 27, 2004 09:49

Is it just me, or is my life boring? That's a hypothetical question, btw. Anyway, I was really impressed with myself yesterday for winning my tennis match. Granted it was JV, but nevertheless, the kids we were playing were pretty good, and let's not lie, my partner, Glen Lewis is really bad. So I like the take credit for the victory, although in actuality, it was proably the fact that one of my opponents had a mental breakdown during the match and started tearing off his shirt and throwing balls and yelling at his partner, etc.

Oh crap, I always hate when the saturday mail comes, because it is during this day that my dad parks his car right in front of the mail box, and every few weeks we get threatening letters from the mailman to move the car or else. Of course the or else is followed by: your mail will stop, and we all know from watching Seinfeld that no one needs mail, but still. I like the keep the mailman (or mailwoman *wink*) on my good side.

So I just answered the question of if my life was boring or not by delivering an anecdote about keeping a mailman's respect. Oh well, you snooze you lose I always say.
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