i have nmothing better to do than copy and paste my friend's survey

Oct 27, 2005 16:46

Complete The Statements...
My dream house could be described as:: a lonely but elegant house on the edge of a cliff by the water with a laboratory out back
A million dollars would best be used:: on a balloon ride around the world
In ten years I will be:: 26
My favorite year/age was___ because:: I loved being 5
If I could just kiss:: a boy
If I could rid the world of one thing it would be:: the meat industry
At Starbucks I normally order:: hot chocolate
The best dream I ever had involved:: green genies coming outof the chimney
My favorite photograph:: is black and white
The most recent phone call I received:: my mother
When I hear the word 'eject' I automatically think of:: a plane ejecting a bomb/missle
I can only compare the feeling of being loved to::
The most fun I ever had was:: right now
I want to visit ___ because:: asia because it has pho and looks neat
If I could travel back in time I would:: go to see the 60's or 20's somewhere remote
In my favorite book, the main character:: is shy
Two songs that would be on the soundtrack of my life would be:: 1-800-ghost dance, yellow submarine
I will never ever:: understand
If my house was burning down one thing I would definitly grab would be:: my rat and cat
My romantic status is currently:: boring
My best friend is::
I love:: thai food and bubble tea
This one time I was at the beach and:: an angry goey duck sprayed me
Piericings are:: scary when you are about to get them
The one person I can always count on is::
Wal-Mart is:: always having some problems
The most over used phrase would have to be:: Like(or Napoleon Dynamite ones)
The one CD I can listen to without skipping is:: the shins, o inverted world
My bedroom is missing:: a secret room behind the bookcase and a 500 gallon aquarium
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