Lick the walls... Bite the water.

May 22, 2005 12:03

Well this week is going to blow..

Heres why:

Reason 1- My Birthday is 4 days from now...Thursday. And I am not doing shit for it. -sigh-

Reason 2- Tuesday is our last day of school which means.. hey loets go loose touch with most of our buddies who will forget about us freshman year.

Reason 3- Baby sit centeral.. I have to watch my little brother now 5 days a week.. --' Damn him to hell.

Anyway... if you care you can call me but if you don't its fine too. If ya'll have any idea what we can do for my birthday feel free to let me know.. I am going to be so fucking bored if we don't.

<3 Always
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