(no subject)

Jan 19, 2009 22:16

Tomorrow is a monumental occasion.

Not only am I beginning my sophomore year's second semester classes, Barack Obama is going to be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States of America.


Crazy days.

I'm a little proud of America. Isn't that a weird thing to say? idk though, it's true. I'm glad Obama was elected president and I'm proud that the prejudices and discrimination I believed to be rampant in this country were basically overcome.

When Obama won, my college (minus all adults) celebrated by popping champagne, singing the national anthem countless times, and setting off fireworks. It was an moment of time I will remember  forever.

I will be viewing the proceedings in Palmer auditorium which I hope will feel like a cinematic adventure. I'll be surrounded by friends and good cheer. I hope it will proceed as smoothly as possible.

Macroeconomics bright and early at 10:25 until 11:40. I hope I don't miss anything too important! Then French 2:45- 4:00. Ugh. It's going to be a long day, a blessed day, but a long one nonetheless.


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