Mar 11, 2011 16:43
So in my usual fashion, I get down about something, keep adding shit on to it to make things worse, and then realize, quite suddenly, that I'm being RETARDED and I'm awesome and nothing that's going on is going to be the end of the world. Sure, stuff is going to happen that's upsetting and hurtful and frustrating and confusing, but, as everyone tells me, I'm just way too hard on myself when these things happen. These things are GOING to happen and I can't take it so personally and dramatically.
So I'm sorry, self, for temporarily forgetting you are awesome. You're smart, stubborn in the best ways, hard working, creative, lovely, thoughtful, adorable, sexy when you want to be, and overall a really worthwhile person. And I forget that too often.
I'm going to do my best to not forget it anymore. Or if I do, have it be brief and not ZOMG APOCALYPSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
I'm excited that I'm rededicated to the gym.
I'm excited for con and my lovely friends there.
I'm excited for my lovely friends in general and making more of an effort to spend time with them and show how much I appreciate them and how much they do for me.
I'm excited that I'm slowly learning to open up to more people and have them know more about me than just like "LOLOLOLOLBUBBLESANDSUNSHINE :D :D :D" side and it's an extra bonus if they still like me.
I'm excited to eventually find a place to move out to and be more responsible and independent.
I'm excited to pick up my hobbies again after ignoring them for too long.
I'm excited I got my passport renewed and that I'll be able to go visit Brian, who has never let me forget that I'm a good person even when I'm feeling at my worst. <3