Pursuit of Real Happiness.(I ♥Will Smith, but ths is somethin different) :P

May 06, 2008 02:01

just wanted to share something from Pape last Sunday...and say hi to ya'll :)
...comes from relying/a dependence on God.
[preceded by a sermon on the Beatitudes]

Matthew 5, 6, 7

-Live differently from the rest of the world-
Others will see the way you are, admire the goodness of God. Be a light unto the world.

Pape breaks it down into 3 main issues:
- Anger & Contempt
- Lust
- Verbal Manipulation

1. Lay aside Anger & Contempt
do not not care about people. Not just the physical actions, verbal actions, but the way you think.
-Do not attack someone else's worth.-
How much happiness do you get out of being angry?
at this point, Pape showed a clip from an episode of "The Office." It was when someone was trying to convince someone else to sell a car to him..larger context, but...it was hilarious
Reconcile. Do not hold a grudge; forgive whole-heartedly.

2. Lay aside Lust
not just the act, but the way you thing.
There are multiple forms of lust: what ado you want them to do for you? Satisfy you physically, or be your Prince Charming? The satisfaction is transient.
Girls and boys are not objects--they. have. value.

3. Lay aside Verbal manipulation (this one's a winner)
Matthew 5:33, from "the message"
When you manipulate words to get your own way, You Go Wrong.
Let your "yes" be a "yes" and your "no" be "no."
Ask--and you will receive. Hear out others, it preserves their dignity. (!) Let them tell you, humble yourself to hear it.

4. Love your Enemies
Matthew 5:43
Pray for those who persecute you.
The animosity comes from..
- competition
- undermining
- objectifying
"If you only love those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even the corrupt tax collectors do that."
Be cordial..even to those

C. Be mature in God
Grow Up (in Him).
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